John Abkes

What happened?

While vacationing with my family in Cabo, I was taken out by a wave. I broke my C3 vertebra and drown. I was dead, I was dragged on the beach where my daughter (along with a doctor and paramedic who spoke English and came out of nowhere) performed CPR. I had a pulse and was breathing after about 10 minutes. I was put on a paddle board (now with 8 broken ribs and a broken neck) and taken to a strip mall type hospital. It just so happened (right) a board certified surgeon and his team were available and my spinal cord (which wasn't severed)was stabilized. The date is December 29, 2016. Another series of miracles got me back to Omaha and onto Madonna rehabilitation hospital. I went from a quadriplegic with little chance of survival and less chances of walking, to walking out of Madonna in early March 2017.

How was your walk with the Lord before this event/season?

My walk with Christ and devotional life was "OK" by most standards.

How did your walk with the Lord change after this event/season?

When all you have is Christ and you are waging war with demonic forces, you learn he is enough. That changed my focus forever. I wish I could say every waking moment, but just like everyone I still fight the world's temptations and fail. Guess what, he is faithful and will never leave or forsake me. I know that to be true on a very personal basis.

Are there any passages of Scripture that helped you through this season/event?

Philippians 2:9-11
Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place, and gave Him the name above all names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Do you have any words of encouragement for someone walking through a similar season/event?

When you are being squeezed so tight, you alone will not be enough. You will want to turn to something (drugs, alcohol, anger) but they aren't enough either. Claim the name of Jesus if you know him as your personal Lord and Savior. If you don't, you need Christ and you need him now! Turn from your sins and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Place your faith and trust in him and you will see darkness and demonic forces will knell at the mere mention of his name. Click here to learn more about salvation.